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TSA Blasted for Exposing Breasts of Texas Congressman's Teen GrandnieceThe New American ^ | 28 November 2012 | Alex Newman
Posted on 11/28/2012 7:53:42 PM PST by VitacoreVision
The Transportation Security Administration is under heavy fire after publicly exposing the breasts of a teenage girl during its controversial ?screening? procedures.
TSA Blasted for Exposing Breasts of Congressman's Teen Grandniece
The New American
28 November 2012
The Transportation Security Administration is under heavy fire after publicly exposing the breasts of a teenage girl during its controversial ?screening? procedures. Of course, passengers routinely complain of TSA abuse and molestation ? some 17,000 formal complaints have been lodged against the widely ridiculed and despised unconstitutional Homeland Security agency just since 2009, documents show.
The latest scandal, however, has turned into an international firestorm for the embattled bureaucracy, largely because the then-17-year-old victim was the grandniece of Rep. Ralph Hall (R-Texas). More than a few analysts noted that countless regular Americans suffer similar abuse and humiliation every single day; virtually nothing is ever done.
Now, though, lawmakers on both sides of the aisle are crying foul while demanding investigations. Rights activists from across the political spectrum, meanwhile, have jumped on the opportunity to rein in the federal abuses once and for all.
According to official documents obtained by reporter Scott MacFarlane with an Atlanta TV news station, the girl was traveling to Australia on a trip with her classmates at Southwest Christian School in Texas. An internal investigation by TSA noted that after being selected for ?secondary screening? and a so-called ?pat-down,? which critics regularly equate with sexual molestation and assault, the screener "removed minor passenger from the corral." Yes, the report uses the word corral, defined as an enclosure or pen for domesticated animals.
The girl was not offered a ?private screening,? the report noted, though passengers often prefer to be screened publicly anyway to ensure that there are witnesses to the controversial procedure in case of extraordinarily inappropriate fondling or other incidents. As the teen was enduring a ?pat-down of the stomach area,? the top of her dress came loose and slipped down to her stomach, according to the internal investigation at least, revealing her breasts to everyone in the vicinity. Analysts suggested the dress had actually been pulled down, a far more plausible scenario.
Surveillance cameras caught the humiliating event on film, but TSA claimed the footage was not good enough to determine whether its screener had ?properly conducted? what commentators said sounded a lot like ?sexual assault.? The girl?s chaperones, according to the report, became ?visibly upset? about the event and notified her parents. On the following day, her father filed a formal complaint.
The incident happened at the international airport in Los Angeles (LAX) some two years ago. However, it came to light only in recent days after journalist MacFarlane obtained the internal TSA report about the investigation using the Freedom of Information Act. When the findings were publicized, outrage quickly ensued.
News of the scandal has since gone viral, attracting headlines across America and beyond. Major press outlets from the United Kingdom to Iran have also covered the resulting uproar. Meanwhile, countless victims of TSA abuses took the opportunity to vent their fury in online comment sections over the lawless but routine violations of the rights enshrined in the U.S. Constitution?s Fourth Amendment.
Rep. Hall, describing the incident as ?brutal? and saying his grandniece had been ?badly mistreated,? called on the TSA to fire the screener responsible for exposing his relative?s body at the airport. The 17-term congressman from Texas is also seeking a proper federal investigation of the incident, according to news reports.
?We have no desire to revive a painful event of the past, one that we abandoned any effort for litigation for privacy reasons,? Hall said in a statement quoted in the press. ?We did not want to hurt our niece any more than she had already been hurt.?
Other lawmakers have also entered the fray. Sen. Saxby Chambliss (R-Ga.), for example, contacted the massive screening bureaucracy to ask for a review and to express concerns about ?potentially invasive screenings.? Democrat Rep. Maxine Waters of California, whose district includes LAX, also complained to TSA about the suffering and humiliation endured by her colleague?s young relative.
It is also not the first time lawmakers have had unpleasant experiences with the TSA. Earlier this year, Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) missed a flight to Washington, D.C., after being detained by screeners for refusing a full-body pat-down. The incident happened at the Nashville, Tennessee, airport when a so-called ?naked-body scanner? found some sort of alleged ?anomaly? around the conservative senator?s knee.
Sen. Paul?s father Rep. Ron Paul (R-Texas), a hero to millions of Americans for his devotion to liberty and the Constitution, has been a foe of the TSA and its lawless abuses from the start. ?Why is the TSA permitted to abuse the rights of any American traveling by air?? the congressman wondered in his farewell address this month. ?Victims of TSA excesses never consented to this abuse.?
Last year, meanwhile, a congressional report determined that despite squandering close to $60 billion in taxpayer funds on the TSA, screening is based on ?theatrics? and has failed to catch a single terrorist. Passengers and crew, the investigation found, are actually the most effective line of defense. Ironically, perhaps, the explosive report said air travel is no safer now than it was before September 11, 2001.
The out-of-control agency has become ?an enormous, inflexible and distracted bureaucracy, more concerned with human resource management and consolidating power,? according to the report, released in November of 2011. ?Today, TSA's screening policies are based in theatrics. They are typical, bureaucratic responses to failed security policies meant to assuage the concerns of the traveling public.?
This week, a stinging investigation by Charles Kenny, a fellow at the Center for Global Development and the New America Foundation, found that the TSA actually makes air travel less safe. Still, despite the facts and the growing surge of public revulsion, the Department of Homeland Security continues purporting to usurp new powers for itself, with the TSA still seeking to expand its ?mission? far beyond the confines of ?corrals? at airport terminals.
In typical fashion, the widely loathed screening agency attempted to blame the teenage victim after the latest scandal exploded into the global press, claiming the girl?s dress being too loose was the problem ? not the molestation. ?We regret that the incident of more than two years ago was one that caused embarrassment to the young lady; however, an investigation concluded that the event was accidental,? TSA claimed in a statement cited in media reports.
According to the official report about the internal investigation, the bureaucrat responsible for disrobing the girl was ?counseled on the expectation of our agency for professionalism and customer service.? By ?customers,? TSA was presumably referring to its hapless victims who are lawlessly forced to submit to the violation of their rights in order to board an airplane, and more recently, sometimes even a bus or train.
Aside from the wanton violations of Americans? constitutionally guaranteed, unalienable rights, the TSA has also refused to respect federal court decisions. In August, for instance, a U.S. appeals court demanded that the agency promptly explain its brazen failure to obey the law and a judicial order issued a year earlier.
With Americans across the political spectrum becoming increasingly outraged by TSA abuses, some state lawmakers are taking action. In Texas, for example, a bill to criminalize the ?screening? procedures as sexual assault was passed overwhelmingly as Democrats and Republicans united to protect the rights of Texans.
Now, the celebrated Texas Travel Freedoom Act, HB 80, recently pre-filed by state Rep. David Simpson, aims to put an end to TSA lawlessness in the Lone Star State once and for all. Activists, however, are hoping to end the abuses nationwide, and with a congressman?s grandniece becoming the latest high-profile victim, analysts say achieving that goal just got a big boost. Indeed, the entire unconstitutional Department of Homeland Security is increasingly in the crosshairs, too.
Related articles:
TSA Makes Travel More Dangerous
Court Orders TSA to Explain Lawless Use of Naked Body Scanners
Texas Bills Would Nullify NDAA's Indefinite Detention, TSA's Intrusive Screening
TSA: Airports Are Only the Beginning
More Lawmakers Demand TSA Probe
Congressional Report: TSA Useless Despite $60 Billion
Getting Rich from the TSA Naked-Body Scanners
Theft, Pedophilia, Murder Among TSA Employees? Crimes
Sen. Rand Paul Blocked from Flight for Refusing TSA Groping
TSA Agents Charged With Grand Larceny
TSA Policies May Desensitize Children to Sexual Abuse
Grandma, 84, Strip Searched by TSA, Says U.S. in ?Big Trouble?
The TSA and Its Whole-body Scanning
Report: Homeland Security Compiling TSA Enemies List
Texas Officials Groped by TSA As Anti-Groping Bill Makes Comeback
TOPICS: Crime/Corruption; Front Page News; Government; News/Current Events; US: Texas
KEYWORDS: 2012; abolishtsa; airportrape; biggovernment; bloodoftsa; bloodoftyrants; communism; corruption; creeps; govtabuse; govtfondlers; pedophiles; perverts; sexassault; texas; tsa; tyranny

To: VitacoreVision
Wadda ya mean, ?there?s no video??!?!
2 posted on 11/28/2012 7:57:32 PM PST by G Larry (Which of Obama's policies do you think I'd support if he were white?)
To: VitacoreVision
I was wondering why they would remove her bra in public. But it appears from the story that she was not wearing one.
Doesn?t excuse the TSA. Just answers the question.
To: CharlesWayneCT
The girl was not offered a ?private screening,? the report noted, though passengers often prefer to be screened publicly anyway to ensure that there are witnesses to the controversial procedure in case of extraordinarily inappropriate fondling or other incidents. As the teen was enduring a ?pat-down of the stomach area,? the top of her dress came loose and slipped down to her stomach, according to the internal investigation at least, revealing her breasts to everyone in the vicinity. Analysts suggested the dress had actually been pulled down, a far more plausible scenario.
To: VitacoreVision
5 posted on 11/28/2012 8:08:14 PM PST by Jyotishi (Seeking the truth, a fact at a time.)To: VitacoreVision
If this happened to my family, no one would care. But wait!! This happened -- to a family member of the political class?! That's not supposed to happen!! That is wrong!! Oh, someone is going to pay for this! You do not mess with the political elite!! They will crush you, you peasant!
To: VitacoreVision
?The incident happened at the international airport in Los Angeles (LAX) some two years ago.?
What? And Hall is getting upset NOW?
7 posted on 11/28/2012 8:10:38 PM PST by DBrow
To: VitacoreVision
8 posted on 11/28/2012 8:11:12 PM PST by lightman (If the Patriarchate of the East held a state like the Vatican I would apply for political asylum.)To: VitacoreVision
This kinda crap would cease if the wussified American public would stop flying and make it known to the airlines why.
9 posted on 11/28/2012 8:11:56 PM PST by biff (WAS)
To: VitacoreVision
The TSA, and astronomical national debt, and entitlements are sure signs of a country and its people are voluntarily accepting slavery.
10 posted on 11/28/2012 8:12:09 PM PST by Jack Hydrazine (It's the end of the world as we know it and I feel fine!)
To: VitacoreVision
Today, I flew from Dallas to Newark with a layover in St. Louis. I was on American for the first leg and United for the last. Although I suffered no particular humiliation during the security checks, I was a bit taken aback by the fact that I had to exit Terminal C in St. Louis and re-enter Terminal A to catch the United flight, and had to pass through security again. According to one of the locals there, pre-9/11 there was a walkway between the terminals, but since then, changing terminals means taking off your shoes and belt and playing the TSA game a second time.
11 posted on 11/28/2012 8:14:02 PM PST by TruthShallSetYouFree (July 4, 1776: Declaration of Independence. Nov 6, 2012: Declaration of Dependence. R.I.P. America.)
To: VitacoreVision
For what the TSA costs, there could be an armed air marshal on every flight.
12 posted on 11/28/2012 8:16:58 PM PST by PieterCasparzen (We have to fix things ourselves)
To: VitacoreVision
Personnel conducting screens wear gloves. The screener probably dragged his/her hands down the torso, thus putting excessive tension on the top of the garment - pulling it down/off the shoulders. It is supposed to be a pat-down not heavy petting or a caress.
To: ClearCase_guy
This times 1000. It?s happening everyday and it?s only a story with the priviledged classes are affected. As long as it?s just the serfs is business as usual.
14 posted on 11/28/2012 8:24:22 PM PST by mykroar (BAD-ANON: One Game At A Time)
To: VitacoreVision
Since this intrusive behavior has started, I vow never to board another plane except in a case of extreme emergency.
My motto is: if I can?t drive there, I won?t go there.
15 posted on 11/28/2012 8:24:25 PM PST by basil (Second Amendment
To: VitacoreVision
TSA needs to be abolished
16 posted on 11/28/2012 8:25:17 PM PST by GeronL (
To: biff
I too am amazed at who still flies. I simply don?t do cattle treatment, cattle prodding, cattle loading, short of impending death.
Fascinating to me the humans who tolerate it. The young never got to see flying done well, so they put up with anything. Scary.
17 posted on 11/28/2012 8:27:11 PM PST by RitaOK ( VIVA CHRISTO REY / Public education is the farm team for more Marxists coming.)
To: VitacoreVision
To: G Larry
C'mon.Pictures. Now.
Or it didn't happen.
To: VitacoreVision
the then-17-year-old victim was the grandniece of Rep. Ralph Hall (R-Texas).Congressman Hall is the oldest serving Rep. A WW2 veteran, he started as a conservative Democrat in 1980, and has served ever since.
Hall switched parties in 2004. He voted against NAFTA. He voted for the Bush tax cuts. He voted for Operation Iraqi Freedom.
Nothing is coincidence involving the Chicago Way. This was a message to Hall: "Resign. Today. Get it?"
To: VitacoreVision
Jan the Man TSA pervert alert! Homeland inSecurity should be famous for it?s sexual pervert harassment policies and lawsuits.
Disclaimer: Opinions posted on Free Republic are those of the individual posters and do not necessarily represent the opinion of Free Republic or its management. All materials posted herein are protected by copyright law and the exemption for fair use of copyrighted works. is powered by software copyright 2000-2008 John Robinson
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TSA Blasted for Exposing Breasts of Texas Congressman's Teen GrandnieceThe New American ^ | 28 November 2012 | Alex Newman
Posted on 11/28/2012 7:53:42 PM PST by VitacoreVision
The Transportation Security Administration is under heavy fire after publicly exposing the breasts of a teenage girl during its controversial ?screening? procedures.
TSA Blasted for Exposing Breasts of Congressman's Teen Grandniece
The New American
28 November 2012
The Transportation Security Administration is under heavy fire after publicly exposing the breasts of a teenage girl during its controversial ?screening? procedures. Of course, passengers routinely complain of TSA abuse and molestation ? some 17,000 formal complaints have been lodged against the widely ridiculed and despised unconstitutional Homeland Security agency just since 2009, documents show.
The latest scandal, however, has turned into an international firestorm for the embattled bureaucracy, largely because the then-17-year-old victim was the grandniece of Rep. Ralph Hall (R-Texas). More than a few analysts noted that countless regular Americans suffer similar abuse and humiliation every single day; virtually nothing is ever done.
Now, though, lawmakers on both sides of the aisle are crying foul while demanding investigations. Rights activists from across the political spectrum, meanwhile, have jumped on the opportunity to rein in the federal abuses once and for all.
According to official documents obtained by reporter Scott MacFarlane with an Atlanta TV news station, the girl was traveling to Australia on a trip with her classmates at Southwest Christian School in Texas. An internal investigation by TSA noted that after being selected for ?secondary screening? and a so-called ?pat-down,? which critics regularly equate with sexual molestation and assault, the screener "removed minor passenger from the corral." Yes, the report uses the word corral, defined as an enclosure or pen for domesticated animals.
The girl was not offered a ?private screening,? the report noted, though passengers often prefer to be screened publicly anyway to ensure that there are witnesses to the controversial procedure in case of extraordinarily inappropriate fondling or other incidents. As the teen was enduring a ?pat-down of the stomach area,? the top of her dress came loose and slipped down to her stomach, according to the internal investigation at least, revealing her breasts to everyone in the vicinity. Analysts suggested the dress had actually been pulled down, a far more plausible scenario.
Surveillance cameras caught the humiliating event on film, but TSA claimed the footage was not good enough to determine whether its screener had ?properly conducted? what commentators said sounded a lot like ?sexual assault.? The girl?s chaperones, according to the report, became ?visibly upset? about the event and notified her parents. On the following day, her father filed a formal complaint.
The incident happened at the international airport in Los Angeles (LAX) some two years ago. However, it came to light only in recent days after journalist MacFarlane obtained the internal TSA report about the investigation using the Freedom of Information Act. When the findings were publicized, outrage quickly ensued.
News of the scandal has since gone viral, attracting headlines across America and beyond. Major press outlets from the United Kingdom to Iran have also covered the resulting uproar. Meanwhile, countless victims of TSA abuses took the opportunity to vent their fury in online comment sections over the lawless but routine violations of the rights enshrined in the U.S. Constitution?s Fourth Amendment.
Rep. Hall, describing the incident as ?brutal? and saying his grandniece had been ?badly mistreated,? called on the TSA to fire the screener responsible for exposing his relative?s body at the airport. The 17-term congressman from Texas is also seeking a proper federal investigation of the incident, according to news reports.
?We have no desire to revive a painful event of the past, one that we abandoned any effort for litigation for privacy reasons,? Hall said in a statement quoted in the press. ?We did not want to hurt our niece any more than she had already been hurt.?
Other lawmakers have also entered the fray. Sen. Saxby Chambliss (R-Ga.), for example, contacted the massive screening bureaucracy to ask for a review and to express concerns about ?potentially invasive screenings.? Democrat Rep. Maxine Waters of California, whose district includes LAX, also complained to TSA about the suffering and humiliation endured by her colleague?s young relative.
It is also not the first time lawmakers have had unpleasant experiences with the TSA. Earlier this year, Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) missed a flight to Washington, D.C., after being detained by screeners for refusing a full-body pat-down. The incident happened at the Nashville, Tennessee, airport when a so-called ?naked-body scanner? found some sort of alleged ?anomaly? around the conservative senator?s knee.
Sen. Paul?s father Rep. Ron Paul (R-Texas), a hero to millions of Americans for his devotion to liberty and the Constitution, has been a foe of the TSA and its lawless abuses from the start. ?Why is the TSA permitted to abuse the rights of any American traveling by air?? the congressman wondered in his farewell address this month. ?Victims of TSA excesses never consented to this abuse.?
Last year, meanwhile, a congressional report determined that despite squandering close to $60 billion in taxpayer funds on the TSA, screening is based on ?theatrics? and has failed to catch a single terrorist. Passengers and crew, the investigation found, are actually the most effective line of defense. Ironically, perhaps, the explosive report said air travel is no safer now than it was before September 11, 2001.
The out-of-control agency has become ?an enormous, inflexible and distracted bureaucracy, more concerned with human resource management and consolidating power,? according to the report, released in November of 2011. ?Today, TSA's screening policies are based in theatrics. They are typical, bureaucratic responses to failed security policies meant to assuage the concerns of the traveling public.?
This week, a stinging investigation by Charles Kenny, a fellow at the Center for Global Development and the New America Foundation, found that the TSA actually makes air travel less safe. Still, despite the facts and the growing surge of public revulsion, the Department of Homeland Security continues purporting to usurp new powers for itself, with the TSA still seeking to expand its ?mission? far beyond the confines of ?corrals? at airport terminals.
In typical fashion, the widely loathed screening agency attempted to blame the teenage victim after the latest scandal exploded into the global press, claiming the girl?s dress being too loose was the problem ? not the molestation. ?We regret that the incident of more than two years ago was one that caused embarrassment to the young lady; however, an investigation concluded that the event was accidental,? TSA claimed in a statement cited in media reports.
According to the official report about the internal investigation, the bureaucrat responsible for disrobing the girl was ?counseled on the expectation of our agency for professionalism and customer service.? By ?customers,? TSA was presumably referring to its hapless victims who are lawlessly forced to submit to the violation of their rights in order to board an airplane, and more recently, sometimes even a bus or train.
Aside from the wanton violations of Americans? constitutionally guaranteed, unalienable rights, the TSA has also refused to respect federal court decisions. In August, for instance, a U.S. appeals court demanded that the agency promptly explain its brazen failure to obey the law and a judicial order issued a year earlier.
With Americans across the political spectrum becoming increasingly outraged by TSA abuses, some state lawmakers are taking action. In Texas, for example, a bill to criminalize the ?screening? procedures as sexual assault was passed overwhelmingly as Democrats and Republicans united to protect the rights of Texans.
Now, the celebrated Texas Travel Freedoom Act, HB 80, recently pre-filed by state Rep. David Simpson, aims to put an end to TSA lawlessness in the Lone Star State once and for all. Activists, however, are hoping to end the abuses nationwide, and with a congressman?s grandniece becoming the latest high-profile victim, analysts say achieving that goal just got a big boost. Indeed, the entire unconstitutional Department of Homeland Security is increasingly in the crosshairs, too.
Related articles:
TSA Makes Travel More Dangerous
Court Orders TSA to Explain Lawless Use of Naked Body Scanners
Texas Bills Would Nullify NDAA's Indefinite Detention, TSA's Intrusive Screening
TSA: Airports Are Only the Beginning
More Lawmakers Demand TSA Probe
Congressional Report: TSA Useless Despite $60 Billion
Getting Rich from the TSA Naked-Body Scanners
Theft, Pedophilia, Murder Among TSA Employees? Crimes
Sen. Rand Paul Blocked from Flight for Refusing TSA Groping
TSA Agents Charged With Grand Larceny
TSA Policies May Desensitize Children to Sexual Abuse
Grandma, 84, Strip Searched by TSA, Says U.S. in ?Big Trouble?
The TSA and Its Whole-body Scanning
Report: Homeland Security Compiling TSA Enemies List
Texas Officials Groped by TSA As Anti-Groping Bill Makes Comeback
TOPICS: Crime/Corruption; Front Page News; Government; News/Current Events; US: Texas
KEYWORDS: 2012; abolishtsa; airportrape; biggovernment; bloodoftsa; bloodoftyrants; communism; corruption; creeps; govtabuse; govtfondlers; pedophiles; perverts; sexassault; texas; tsa; tyranny

To: VitacoreVision
Wadda ya mean, ?there?s no video??!?!
2 posted on 11/28/2012 7:57:32 PM PST by G Larry (Which of Obama's policies do you think I'd support if he were white?)
To: VitacoreVision
I was wondering why they would remove her bra in public. But it appears from the story that she was not wearing one.
Doesn?t excuse the TSA. Just answers the question.
To: CharlesWayneCT
The girl was not offered a ?private screening,? the report noted, though passengers often prefer to be screened publicly anyway to ensure that there are witnesses to the controversial procedure in case of extraordinarily inappropriate fondling or other incidents. As the teen was enduring a ?pat-down of the stomach area,? the top of her dress came loose and slipped down to her stomach, according to the internal investigation at least, revealing her breasts to everyone in the vicinity. Analysts suggested the dress had actually been pulled down, a far more plausible scenario.
To: VitacoreVision
5 posted on 11/28/2012 8:08:14 PM PST by Jyotishi (Seeking the truth, a fact at a time.)To: VitacoreVision
If this happened to my family, no one would care. But wait!! This happened -- to a family member of the political class?! That's not supposed to happen!! That is wrong!! Oh, someone is going to pay for this! You do not mess with the political elite!! They will crush you, you peasant!
To: VitacoreVision
?The incident happened at the international airport in Los Angeles (LAX) some two years ago.?
What? And Hall is getting upset NOW?
7 posted on 11/28/2012 8:10:38 PM PST by DBrow
To: VitacoreVision
8 posted on 11/28/2012 8:11:12 PM PST by lightman (If the Patriarchate of the East held a state like the Vatican I would apply for political asylum.)To: VitacoreVision
This kinda crap would cease if the wussified American public would stop flying and make it known to the airlines why.
9 posted on 11/28/2012 8:11:56 PM PST by biff (WAS)
To: VitacoreVision
The TSA, and astronomical national debt, and entitlements are sure signs of a country and its people are voluntarily accepting slavery.
10 posted on 11/28/2012 8:12:09 PM PST by Jack Hydrazine (It's the end of the world as we know it and I feel fine!)
To: VitacoreVision
Today, I flew from Dallas to Newark with a layover in St. Louis. I was on American for the first leg and United for the last. Although I suffered no particular humiliation during the security checks, I was a bit taken aback by the fact that I had to exit Terminal C in St. Louis and re-enter Terminal A to catch the United flight, and had to pass through security again. According to one of the locals there, pre-9/11 there was a walkway between the terminals, but since then, changing terminals means taking off your shoes and belt and playing the TSA game a second time.
11 posted on 11/28/2012 8:14:02 PM PST by TruthShallSetYouFree (July 4, 1776: Declaration of Independence. Nov 6, 2012: Declaration of Dependence. R.I.P. America.)
To: VitacoreVision
For what the TSA costs, there could be an armed air marshal on every flight.
12 posted on 11/28/2012 8:16:58 PM PST by PieterCasparzen (We have to fix things ourselves)
To: VitacoreVision
Personnel conducting screens wear gloves. The screener probably dragged his/her hands down the torso, thus putting excessive tension on the top of the garment - pulling it down/off the shoulders. It is supposed to be a pat-down not heavy petting or a caress.
To: ClearCase_guy
This times 1000. It?s happening everyday and it?s only a story with the priviledged classes are affected. As long as it?s just the serfs is business as usual.
14 posted on 11/28/2012 8:24:22 PM PST by mykroar (BAD-ANON: One Game At A Time)
To: VitacoreVision
Since this intrusive behavior has started, I vow never to board another plane except in a case of extreme emergency.
My motto is: if I can?t drive there, I won?t go there.
15 posted on 11/28/2012 8:24:25 PM PST by basil (Second Amendment
To: VitacoreVision
TSA needs to be abolished
16 posted on 11/28/2012 8:25:17 PM PST by GeronL (
To: biff
I too am amazed at who still flies. I simply don?t do cattle treatment, cattle prodding, cattle loading, short of impending death.
Fascinating to me the humans who tolerate it. The young never got to see flying done well, so they put up with anything. Scary.
17 posted on 11/28/2012 8:27:11 PM PST by RitaOK ( VIVA CHRISTO REY / Public education is the farm team for more Marxists coming.)
To: VitacoreVision
To: G Larry
C'mon.Pictures. Now.
Or it didn't happen.
To: VitacoreVision
the then-17-year-old victim was the grandniece of Rep. Ralph Hall (R-Texas).Congressman Hall is the oldest serving Rep. A WW2 veteran, he started as a conservative Democrat in 1980, and has served ever since.
Hall switched parties in 2004. He voted against NAFTA. He voted for the Bush tax cuts. He voted for Operation Iraqi Freedom.
Nothing is coincidence involving the Chicago Way. This was a message to Hall: "Resign. Today. Get it?"
To: VitacoreVision
Jan the Man TSA pervert alert! Homeland inSecurity should be famous for it?s sexual pervert harassment policies and lawsuits.
Disclaimer: Opinions posted on Free Republic are those of the individual posters and do not necessarily represent the opinion of Free Republic or its management. All materials posted herein are protected by copyright law and the exemption for fair use of copyrighted works. is powered by software copyright 2000-2008 John Robinson
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